
mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Achieve The Most Excellent Outcomes With Good Tanning Spays

By Haywood Hunter

This article will deal with all aspects of getting a nice tan. Whether it is normal sun tanning or sun bathing, as it is also known, or getting a spray or self-tan when you use the lotion and apply it to the skin to create a browner look, the options are all open to you. It will also give you detail as to what exactly happened with the skin to eventually produce the nice golden brown color.

The first question that needs to be understood is the meaning of sun bathing. Sun bathing is when a person makes the decision to lay in the sun and allow the skin to soak up the rays of the sun. The reason for doing this is the desire of having a golden brown color on the skin. In unfortunate cases this does not always happen as some people gets sun burnt. If the person is fair skinned he or she might first go quite red, sometimes the skin will feel a little tight, but then after that the skin will go to the desired golden brown color as desired.

When you do get sunburned a little bit you should keep the skin moisturized with lotion to prevent pealing of the skin. This will also ensure that there is a biggest chance of getting the desire color the person intended when he or she went to lay is the sun. Being this color can have a lot of advantages.

If you do get a little bit of sun burn all you need to do is to keep the skin moisturized. Putting on some lotion on a regular bases will keep the skin hydrated and will prevent the skin from peeling. Also doing this on a regular bases will ensure that the chance of the redness going away and the skin being the desired golden brown color is much better. This would have been the optimum goal for the person spending time in the sun. There are many advantages to have this color skin.

So how does the skin produce this sometimes very radical skin color change? The skin has cells called Melanocytes. These Melanocytes produces something called Melanin. You get two different types of melanin that is produced by the melanocytes. The first one that is produced is called Pheomelanin and this melanin is responsible for the red color that the skin turns when you go into the sun. The second typed of melanin that is produced by the melanocytes is called Eumelanin. This melanin is responsible for the brown color that the skin turns when a person sun baths.

There is a general function for this thing called melanin. What is the reason why the body and to be more precise the melanocytes make sure that this melanin is produced. The melanin is responsible for the absorption of the solar radiation when the skin is exposed to the sun and by doing this it will protect the body and the skin as a whole.

There are two kinds of ultra violet rays that you get. They are called ultra violet - A and ultra violet - B. The ultra violet - A is the radiation that causes an oxidative stress effect. This will oxidize the existing melanin. This effect leads to the rapid darkening of the melanin which in turn causes the golden brown color of the skin.

Always use a sunscreen when you are planning to spend very long periods of time in the sun. If you are planning on trying it out for a short while, only spend about thirty minutes in the sun at a time. It is always better to follow the gradual rout than trying to obtain the brown color in one go.

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